Savez gluhih i nagluhih grada Zagreba sudjeluje kao partner na projektu “Learn to learn”


Savez gluhih i nagluhih grada Zagreba je od 21. – 24. rujna 2016., ugostio predstavnike organizacije mladih Türkiye Gençlik Birliği Derneği (Turkey Youth Union Association) na studijskom putovanju u sklopu projekta “Learn to learn“. Predstavnici turske organizacije su, u organizaciji Saveza, posjetili gradske i državne institucije koje se bave poboljšanjem kvalitete života osoba s invaliditetom s naglaskom na probleme s kojima se suočavaju gluhe i nagluhe osobe, pogotovo u obrazovanju odraslih.

Dana 22. rujna, posjetili smo Polikliniku za rehabilitaciju slušanja i govora SUVAG i Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje “Slava Raškaj“ Zagreb. Svaka ustanova je predstavila svoje djelovanje kroz kratku povijest ustanove i primjere dobre prakse. Goste je posebno zanimao postupak dobivanja kohlearnog implantata – umjetne pužnice (Poliklinika SUVAG) te prilagodba nastave osobama oštećena sluha (kako za učenike tako i za nastavnike oštećena sluha) u Centru Slava Raškaj.

Dana 23. rujna, ugostila nas je Hrvatska radiotelevizija gdje smo nakon prezentacije o načinima prilagodbe programa za gluhe i nagluhe osobe (titlovi, teletekst, slika unutar slike) imali priliku vidjeti postupak kojim se titlovi usklađuju s programom. Nakon posjeta Hrvatskoj radioteleviziji, turske predstavnike je ugostio domaćin, gdje su pobliže upoznati s radom Saveza te smo se potrudili odgovoriti na sva njihova pitanja, kojih je bilo na pretek. Studijski posjet smo završili posjetom Zdravstvenom učilištu Zagreb, gdje su gosti upoznati s načinom rada asistenta u nastavi (u ovom slučaju za djevojku oštećena sluha) te problemima s kojima se osobe oštećena sluha, a i ostale osobe s invaliditetom susreću u obrazovanju.

Nakon uspješnog posjeta turske delegacije Hrvatskoj, jedva čekamo posjetiti Tursku i vidjeti njihove primjere dobre prakse i razmijeniti iskustva.

Detaljnije o projektu možete naći na :

The Association of the deaf and hard of hearing of the city of Zagreb hosted the representatives of the Türkiye Gençlik Birliği Derneği (Turkey Youth Union Association) during their study visit in Zagreb (21st – 24th of September) within the ”Learn to learn” Project. Turkish representatives have, together with their hosts, visited city and state institutions that are actively trying to improve the quality of life of persons with disability while focusing on the problems that deaf and hard of hearing people are experiencing, especially in the field of adult education.

On 22nd of September we have visited the SUVAG Polyclinic as well as Centre for education Slava Raškaj Zagreb. Each institution has presented their activities through their brief history and examples of good practice. Our visitors were particularly interested in the process of applying for cochlear implant (SUVAG Polyclinic) as well as adjustments of teaching for the hearing impaired (for both students and teachers that are deaf or hard of hearing) in Slava Raškaj Centre.

On 23rd of September we were welcomed by the Croatian Radiotelevision where, after a presentation on different ways in which the programme is being adapted for the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing (subtitles, picture in picture, teletext), we had an opportunity to go behind the scenes and see the process of synchronizing subtitles with the regular programme. After the visit to the Croatian Radiotelevision, Turkish representatives were hosted by the Association of the deaf and hard of hearing of the city of Zagreb where they were they learned, in detail, about the work that the Association is doing on the daily basis. We concluded the Study visit with the visit to the Zagreb Health School where our guests were familiarized with the method of work that is being done by teaching assistants (in this particular case for the hard of hearing student) as well as with the problems that persons with disabilities encounter in Croatian educational system.

After a successful visit from the Turkish delegation, we are eager to visit them back and compare all of the good practice examples and share our experiences.

More detail on the Project:

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