“Make It Accesibile” – Španjolska (Toledo)

Savez gluhih i nagluhih grada Zagreba bio je jedan od sudionika treninga u sklopu projekta “Make it accessible”, održanom od 2. – 9. srpnja 2017. godine u španjolskom gradu Toledu. Organizator projekta, provedenog u okviru Erasmus+ programa, je nevladina udruga Matadero Lab iz Toleda, u suradnji s nevladinim organizacijama iz Turske, Latvije, Italije, Poljske, Bugarske, Rumunjske, i, naravno, Hrvatske. Ukupno su sudjelovale 23 osobe, među kojima i naša gluha članica Gordana Vuger.

Osnovni cilj projekta je kulturu, točnije poeziju, glumu, ples i glazbu približiti i učiniti dostupnim gluhim i nagluhim osobama, naročito mladim gluhim i nagluhim osobama, kako bi mogli ravnopravno sudjelovati i stvarati i u tom aspektu društvenog života. U tu svrhu se na radionicama raspravljalo o aktivnostima koje je potrebno poduzeti da bi se to ostvarilo, kao i općenito o kulturi gluhih i nagluhih osoba, te njihovom trenutnom položaju u zemljama sudionicama projekta

Poseban naglasak stavljen je na umjetničko izražavanje kao dio identiteta kulture gluhih i nagluhih osoba tako da su i sami sudionici imali prilike igrati se znakovnim jezikom i stvarati vlastitu poeziju i glumu, kako na internacionalnom, tako i na svojim vlastitim nacionalnim znakovnim jezicima.

„Make it accessible “ 2nd – 9th of July 2017

The Association of the deaf and hard of hearing of the city of Zagreb has been one of the partners on the “Make it accessible” project that was held from 2nd – 9th of July 2017 in Toledo, Spain. The project was held by the Matadero Lab, Toledo’s NGO as a part of the Erasmus+ programme and with help of its partners: Turkey, Latvia, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. There was a total of 23 participants.

The main objective of the project is to bring culture, poetry, acting, dancing and music closer to deaf and hard of hearing, especially younger deaf and hard of hearing, so they could equally participate and create in that specific area of their social life. Following the main objective of the project, workshops consisted of, among others, discussions about the activities that are needed to make that same objective a reality, as well as the deaf culture in general and their current position in the communities of the countries that participated in the project.


Special emphasis was made on artistic expression as a part of the deaf culture identity – the participants had the opportunity to “play” with sign language and create their own poetry and acting, on both their national sign languages and international sign language.

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